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AVID Program

Santa Clara AVID program is seeking our next freshman class. We are looking for motivated students that are eager and capable of completing a rigorous course of study while enrolled in the program.

Students should apply if they are willing to stay in the program throughout their four years of high school and currently are one of the first in their family to attend a four year college.

If you are an incoming Freshman or a student at SCHS and would like to join the AVID program, online application will open soon.  Please check back later. 

AVID Application for 2025-2026 School Year

The AVID application for 25/26 is now open! 


Past AVID Parent Meeting Slide Deck

Parent Meeting Slideshow

Contact Us

Risha Shah
Site AVID Coordinator​​​​​​​

AVID Promotional Video

Want Your Own Cornell Paper?

If you want to print your own Cornell Note paper, download the file!