Course Registration
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I take 7 classes?
It's important to understand that funding for the comprehensive high schools is based on a teacher teaching 5 periods with a prep period. We are not funded for students to take 7 classes, though we have certain exceptions in place otherwise a student will not be able to complete all the graduation requirements or be a-g eligible. They are:
- World language class and a performing arts class (Theater 1 and Choir 1 do not qualify)
- Study skills per IEP
- Algebra 1 Support
- ELD Support
- ELD Beg/Int or ELD Int/Adv
- Read 180
- AP Support
- Athletic PE (final roster)
- Leadership
- Journalism, and Yearbook (must apply and be accepted first)
If a student wants to take 7 classes without meeting one of the above, they have to go through the lottery system in August.