Club Rush will be on Friday, September 13 at lunch in the quad! Start a Club!
Join a Club!
Clubs are an awesome way for students to become involved on our campus. They can interact with their peers and build community while learning valuable skills. Below is a list of all clubs currently chartered. Take a look at them, and join the google classrooms of clubs you are interested in!
Details about clubs for the 2024-2025 school year are coming soon. Contact the club president or club advisor to find out about club meeting times.
Contact Us
Becca LaBarge
ASB Vice-President
Sharon Freeman
Vice Principal of Activities
(408) 423-2609
Leanne Konicek
ASB Secretary
(408) 423-2639
The SCHS Associated Student Body supports a variety of clubs of various interests. Our students create, run, and participate in clubs of all kinds. Clubs are a great opportunity to get involved in the SCHS community!
Club Stoles
Mandatory Club Charter Meetings
Before a club can officially be rostered at SCHS, the club president must attend a club charter meeting. Club Charter meetings will occur every Wednesday in in August and September at lunch in the SBO.
Fall Club Rush
Friday, September 13th at lunch in the quad
Clubs will have booths all around campus at lunch for students to enjoy. It's a great opportunity to learn more about clubs that interest you! Information for club leaders will be released in the coming weeks.
Mandatory Club Union Meetings
All clubs in good standing will be required to attend periodic Union Meetings to receive pertinent information about upcoming events.