2023-2024 Slate of Officers
- President: Elisha Garguilo
- Vice-President Programs: Hilda Lopez
- Vice-President Ways & Means: Anne Kepner
- Treasurer: Nichole Soterwood
- Auditor: Sadhana Krishnamurthy
- Secretary: Stephanie Carlson
- Historian: Maria Olson
And so much more!
The SCHS PTSA is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Your donation is tax deductible.
Tax ID No. 23-7094431
Thank you! Gracias!
Attention Seniors,
The following scholarships are available:
Please see Mr. Butler if you have questions.
Saving and Giving
Join Sports Basement Basementeer today and choose and support your Santa Clara High School PTSA!
Join the PTSA Today!
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Old School
We have a BLUE BOX in the main office along with music & athletic boosters. Drop us a note there! Or send us an email.