Health Office & Services
Health Office Hours
The health office is staffed by our health clerk, Ms. Fernandez, from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The health assistant manages health records and immunization status, and provides first aid for minor illness and injuries.
The district nurse serves several schools in addition to Santa Clara High. Mr. Gorlero is available by appointment and can be reached on his district cell phone for consultation and/or emergencies during normal business hours. His usual full day at the high school is Tuesdays, plus parts of other days as needed. You can leave a message for him at the health office: 423-2640, or feel free to email with questions or concerns.
Health Policy & Procedures
If you need to take any medication, (prescription or not), during school hours, you must bring the medication to the Health Office in the original container, with a written order completed and signed by your doctor and parent or guardian. (Blank forms are available in the health office). The medication will be kept locked, and dispensed as ordered. A permit to carry medication, (a second form), needs to be completed and on file if you need to carry an inhaler, epi pen or insulin supplies. Medication permits must be renewed at the beginning of each school year.
If you need to leave campus because of an illness or an emergency, the health or attendance office will contact one of the adults listed on your emergency card. You must check out through the attendance office with a "Permit to leave Campus" pass. You must have an emergency card on file in the health office. Addresses, phone numbers and contact information must be current, and should contain as many contact numbers as possible in case of a serious problem or emergency. Students are not to contact parents/guardians from classrooms - report to the health office, or the attendance office if health office is closed.
Routine Health Office Access
Students must have a pass from a teacher to be seen in the health office, except during lunch break.
Contact Us
Brando Gorlero
School Nurse
(408) 423-2620
Laurie Fernandez
Health Clerk
(408) 423-2619
Additional Information
- Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergeny Plan
- Authorization to Carry Medication Form
- HS Physical Education Modification Form
- Medication Authorization Form
- PE Heart Conditions
Medication Info & Form
All medicine that is needed by students during the school day must be registered through the Nurse's Office. Please fill out the Permit for Medication form.